Monday, January 21, 2008

the water horse

yesterday we went to the movies and watched the water horse.the movie was about a boy named angus that found a water horse egg in the beach.when he went home he gone to his fathers workshop and use a knife to open the egg,when he opened the egg he sawed blue slimy stuff and after that he went to sleep.when he woke up the blue slime cracked open,first angus didn't know that a water horse was born.the water horse almost destroyed the hole workshop but angus stoped him by giving him a potato.


Riana Nugrahani Syarif said...

Nice holiday. Love your re-telling story, nugrah. And, we should thank Om Amir for taking care all of you boys for the whole day.


Amelia Fauzia said...

conclusion is... bring food whenever you go so you can save the world.... hehe its kidding, Nugrah. tante amel.